Meng Li|孟莉
Education: post-doctoral 2019-2021
Research Area: Cyclic plasticity and fatigue crack growth of light alloy
Publication: [1] Li Meng, Anchal Goyal, Véronique Doquet, Nicolas Ranc, Jean-Philippe Couzinié. Ultrafine versus coarse grained Al 5083 alloys: From low-cycle to very-highcycle fatigue. International Journal of Fatigue. 121 (2019) 84–97
[2] Li Meng , Simon Hallais, Alexandre Tanguy, Wufan Chen, Miaolin Feng. The effect of stress rate on ratchetting behavior of rolled AZ31B magnesium alloy at 393 K and room temperature. Material Research Express. 6 (2019) 086510
[3] Li Meng, Wufan Chen, Yabin Yan, Takayuki Kitamura, Miaolin Feng. Modelling of creep and plasticity deformation considering creep damage and kinematic hardening. Engineering Fracture Mechanics. 218 (2019) 106582
[4] Li Meng, Wufan Chen, Miaolin Feng. An experimental study of creep-ratchetting behavior of rolled AZ31B magnesium alloy at room temperature. Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures. 2020, 43(2): 417-428
[5] Li Meng,Menghao Yang; Xiuhua Chen; Yandong Hu; Miaolin Feng. Physically short fatigue crack growth from notch described by plasticity-corrected stress intensity factor International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 2020, 176: 105544-105552
[6] Li Meng, Wufan Chen, Xiaoyuan Wang, Yabin Yan. Thermodynamic analysis on two plasticity models considering the time-dependency of metal materials. Materials Today Communications. 25 (2020) 101690
[7] Li Meng, Vincent de Greef, Wufan Chen, Simon Hallais, Alexandre Tanguy, Miaolin Feng. Time-dependent uniaxial behavior of rolled magnesium alloy AZ31B at 393 K and room temperature. Mechanics of Time-Dependent Materials. (2020)
[8] Li Meng, Wufan Chen, Lei Li, Miaolin Feng. Verification of a non-unified viscoplasticity model: Parameter determination and simulations for 316L stainless steel. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering (Accepted).
[9] 孟莉,杨硕,沈泳星. 韧性断裂相场模型在疲劳分析中的应用. 《固体力学学报》(accepted)